
im from houston :(

whats it from?

Ah thats neat. i usually watch one or two things at a time and hardly listen to music so i didnt care lol

thats what i use and its great. im sitting here reading all these comments wondering if maybe im using something thats shit and if so what is it like to use something great when this is shit?

I think shes cute and a charming old lady! I always find older peoples confusion with technology adorable! Unless im helping them that is!

BAHAHA!!! I thought the same thing!

As an avid PS4 enthusiast, I agree.

oh i get it so youre a bitter asshole. got it. sorry i tried to be decent and defend you. carry on.


I think he thought you were being a dick. A lot of people like to just fat bash the guy as either troll bait (its easy on his channel I've even fallen victim) or real negative assholery. So basically defending this guy is something a lot of people do when they think he was being wronged. That being said i think your

Every time? I could be wrong but there should be a space right?

Literally what happened to me. RROD once. Warranty fixed it for me. RROD twice. Sold the cords to gamestop along with all my other xbox games and things. Got ps3. Its on all day every day since i got it because netflix. still works like new.

Shhhh leave him alone and ignore him. Hes obviously trolling and everyones falling for it. Look at the other thread on here. hes purposefully rustling your jimmies. :)

HEY!!! I'm grump

thats how i feel. its pretty, sure, but its too.. i dont know. pretentious i suppose. i really didnt think it was all that great and usually i like artsy games like this. like i said in my comment it feels like people just like this game because of a bandwagon not because its a good game. i bought it with a

I feel like im the only one who thought this game was boring. too slow imo. and the fact that every time i get on its like im just following someone around the whole time killed it. i know not every game is for everyone and usually i can get behind titles like this but honestly i think theres a lot of bandwagoning

I really hate seeing people grasp for sympathy with sob stories. It's always someone unwilling to help themselves with excuses for everything. Life is tough stop making excuses to complain and get pity.


Whoowee I was being a sassy drunk with that last comment! So confrontational! Sorry about that and thanks for staying rational! It's understandable that some could miss or misunderstand the news on it. Not everyone can hear everything. I just don't think it's malicious. They might not be telling everyone very time