
I didnt really like red dead. but i cant deny its beauty. im not big on westerns though.

what should they sit there and dedicate an hour to it? they said it. you know they said it. why are you trying to say they are being deceitful when they told us? its not like its a selling point. its not deceitful and just because it doesnt live up to your ridiculous standards doesnt make it dishonest or bad on their

PC gamer here and ive never had a problem with uplay. not once. no connection issues nothing. ive had games in steam need it and its nothing more than a spash screen honestly. doesnt hinder my game at all. and like people say it actually rewards me for doing their achievements. i dont love uplay. its nothing THAT

its really not sony's fault if anyone doesnt do their homework beforehand. they clearly said it and regardless how brief they said it at the most public gaming convention at its announcement. if you missed it or you didnt know at this point unfortunately its your fault not any evil shenanigans by sony. things get

So why no calls? I don't understand why calls would be prohibited other than to not annoy other people. But that's no reason to ban calls I'd say.

i prefer steam to gog because everything is in one place.

humor failed then.

you can say that again. good luck getting people to get off the bandwagon though.

thats reasonable :) its not like its a bad thing you missed it just that you did. it might be unfortunate for you but as a ps+ subscriber already i dont care. the value from it is astounding

they said it and if youve been paying attention to news surrounding it you would know. it is a very openly known policy. some people miss these snippets somehow though but its not like they are trying to slip anything past people.

just realized youre trolling and i fell right into it. i always tell myself not to do that and argue with trolls as it only makes them happier and me upset. well played troll. damn me for feeding you.

so a business is making money. how rude of them. you people can whine all you want about EAs past but at the end of the day you're a fool for complaining about the same tired subjects on an unrelated post especially when you are dismissing that they absolutely listened to the fans and cancelled something people would m

Yep. EA can do no good in you peoples eyes. Good day.

i will thats certain. but not at full price. ill wait for a team sale or something

Well that's nice.

thats fine to dislike them for all the same things you've been complaining about forever but this is an article about them doing the right thing. this article is about them not releasing something they know people will buy then hate. the person you responded to was responding to someone who didn't read the article and

yes when you dont take the time to read the article before you comment it is.

so does not giving them a chance to improve fit into your agenda? because if anything this article is proof that they are trying to improve.

you forget the sims. it might not be for me or everyone but you cant deny the massive following it has. also how much they embrace the community and let them do with it what they want without negative consequences.

do you misunderstand the point of the article? they arent making the game because people dont want it. thats why it was cancelled. its ok to have your dislike but this is an instance where you sound like a whiny child for criticizing them. you see that ea name and plug your ears screaming "i hate them" without taking