
I hate feeling like a hipster when i say that ive never liked this show. Its seems too pretentious. like it was made for stupid people so they can laugh at the little jokes and "feel smarter" because they get a joke OR act like they get a joke when in reality its completely lost but since they laughed at it they are

You obviously know how

Well damn man I didn't realize you we're the one making the videos honestly or I'd have been less.. Assholey. If I had known I'd have been more constructive and less whiny. Personally the video quality is fine. The song got overbearing but that's whatever. You baboo idly know how to make a video. I just didn't think

But seriously showing off a river should be highly praised? The previous videos were great this one seemed like it was just grasping at whatever it could to pump out a video on gta because its hot right now.

Once again praise is fine. Nothing wrong with it. It's just that applauding things that arent anything special seems ridiculous to me. But that's personal opinion.

Honestly I love the detail in the game but now we're getting into the "praising them for basic details" category. A couple like the swaying power lines were cool but rats? Insects? Are rats and insects really such a fantastic detail they should be applauded? What about the river? It's world design not some missed

HAHA!! That's great!

Something something something Fullmetal Alchemist.

I suppose I have unreasonable expectations. Meh..

following you in this thread and being a playstation advocate i sympathize with you. im sure there is SOME reason it's so high. but if that reason is just profits and not some wonky ass tax bs then truly shame on sony. but the hatred youre getting for just getting the cheapest console available to you (in this case

yeah the joke worked. your humor box seems to be off. might want to have that looked at. i had a buddy went 3 weeks until he got his looked at and by the time he did it was too late. that guy is a DRAG at parties now..

I stand by my comment. Best of luck.

You stop making excuses and find a job. It's that easy. I'm sorry to be harsh but that's the reality of it. You need money? Put your pride aside and take whatever you can. Physical limitations be damned. Assuming you're in America (sorry if not I don't know other places policies) if you are too sick to work there is

Blue bell vanilla ice cream. A&w preferred. Ibc and barqs are fine though. In that order

Damn you PHONE!!!

This doesn't sit we'll with me and I'm not sure why.

You know at least you know you we're just mad at the initial thought of it. Kudos dude. You have my respect!

All of these people complaining about it being released later are the same people that would be complaining if it came out unfinished. I don't care if they take their time with it. I have high hopes for this game and extra polish and testing and development will only help ensure those hopes aren't for nothing. Calm