
mafia 2 then for me

what is that? looks like an old fruit jar of some sort maybe?

For me it would be the only one I would look forward to and buy. I'm not into zombies unless its fun.

WHOA WHOA WHOA HOLD THE PHONE!!!!! How much for the sweet ass jar?

True gamer here. I play on whatever.

FINALLY the best one gets its time. Hope they don't use those terrible precious moments characters though.

No need to start a flame war. This isn't good for anyone.

i can confirm this.

Yeah! I bought all the properties and they all have the best cars and planes and everything! at this point after buying all the properties im set. nothing is ever going to spend that much.

Bull honkey! When my wife was in college we would try to get it and 9/10 times we would get "No. But I can get you some coke" ..... ..

WHAAAAAAAATTTTTT!??!?!?!?!? That is literally the opposite of what I wanted!
It would be like ordering a glass of ice water and them saying "Nope. But we have this fresh

fair enough but the side missions and stock market are part of the game so why not play the game as intended? i mean youre supposed to do the side missions and learn about stocks and stuff. lester gives it away what you should invest in and everything. if youre having trouble with money you should play it without your

i made a cool 750ish million each after all was said and done

basically when lester tells you what in his calls he hints at who you should dump stock into DIRECTLY AFTER the mission. preferably before. but the flip side is you can play it twice. once on the spike but if you buy a ton of the rival company that the stock plummets on you will eventually see ASTOUNDING returns when

save the assasination missions until after the final mission. also the final mission gives you a ton. play the stock market too. its easy to make money if you know what to do!

just play the stock market right and do the assassination missions after the main story and its easy to make that money. i bought all the properties and still have almost half a billion each character. maybe if you dont play the stock market money is too little but i found with it you can really make tons of money!

Scooter Brothers 4 life

Scooter Brothers 4 life

Or, you know, they have different opinions than you. What makes your ideas on how games should be made more important than other peoples? Nothing. Because they aren't.

yeah but theyre better. i think its ok though in regard to the story being railed kinda. you can still go anywhere just theres a path you can take that makes it cooler. if i want off the wall driving where i want id do like this guy and just screw around. not saying of course that your thoughts on it are wrong. just

This was better than the chase scene through the airport!