
This was better than the chase scene through the airport!

only problem with those is you have to hold the button down the whole time to hear the whole thing. it can be tough

Tried to take a selfie with some cops. immediately busted -_-

My repost response from another thread:
to me it seems like there was probably a mutually flirty relationship between them or even in the office in general. then she got fired or let go or whatever and got all pissed off and tried to screw them as best as she could. she also decided to wipe a computer in her rage so as

to me it seems like there was probably a mutually flirty relationship between them or even in the office in general. then she got fired or let go or whatever and got all pissed off and tried to screw them as best as she could. she also decided to wipe a computer in her rage so as to get back at them. it went to court

oh well

right on man no harm no foul! i also was a bit more hostile than i should have been and my apologies are necessary as well. we're on the same page just have different opinions on something. nothing a couple of grown ass people cant have and respect each other still. i hope your day goes well. also i hope you never

i mean do you have any family at all parents? aunts cousins? theyre people who you would hurt too

so sad to see a fellow human life lost because of his own stubbornness. tell me do you have a wife and child youll be selfishly leaving behind or is it just you? or are they your possessions so you dont consider their loss? just curious? i suppose i can admire the fact that you (heh) stick to your guns but only if its

meh i could use proper punctuation but the message gets across clear enough without it so i dont. i never said i wasnt lazy. and im for you people keeping your guns. keep your anger for those who would take them tough guy.

see im pretty left and i certainly dont want to "get rid of all the guns" i think there should be a LOT better regulations and rules in place with them. also i cant help but roll my eyes when i see the "come and take it" thing plastered everywhere (i live in texas) if they were to come and take it you (you=random

man i tell you what nothing beats that first venture under that church. that game was so amazing. so dark and ominous. then you get to the butcher for the first time. and he kills you lol! either way i dont know how you have bad experiences with tl2 being dead as i was on last night and it was anything but that. maybe

d3 hater here. and i dont know what torchlight youre looking at but tl2 is far from dead for me. from the robust mod/ workshop scene to the jump in and play multiplayer ive seen nothing but life in that game. maybe you should try it? i realize that you might not have grown with diablo though and see 3 as ok and i dont

and i dont think youre such a bad contributor to kotaku. *high five*

Why does she not get a personal twitter and not look at the one thats getting blown up? did i miss where she isnt able to get a new email address or twitter? if shes that upset about it stop doing it or ignore comments and everyone else thats all butthurt. but this "im such a victim" mindset doesnt sit well with me

i WHOLLY agree

"Mexican food" does. And if my white ass American wife makes it is it not Mexican food still? I know you've pretty much agreed with him but its just a description. This whole "lets complain about sub genres" movement is flawed and pointless.

Despicable Me minions happened. Basically the same thing

not only that but why did they attempt to shut him up? because they were wrong and knew it