
i do too and i man leaked like the best of em. some people dont get it i think is why they arent affected. but man... good stuff

lucky you! had all four at once done too that was the only reason i wanted to get mine done and they didnt sedate me they fucking shoved a bunch of needles into the top of my mouth. "youre gonna feel a little bee sting" MY ASS!! hurt like a bitch. didnt feel anything after the numb kicked in but it still was

it does in broad daylight. where i use it least :/


nah i think they were being funny.

im replying to you cause you were the last comment.

well im glad almost no one on this thread decided to call me a lame piece of shit for not seeing the appeal in something. basically ive tried it a couple times but i suppose never with anyone else. i dont really have friends so usually anything multiplayer is lost

i feel like im the only person on the planet that doesnt care about tf2. i mean this is cool and certainly took talent. but beyond that whats the big fuss?

thats the first thing i saw. This guy is like MAYBE a few years older than me. how is he not familiar with video games?

i remember the end of that episode when the developers gave peggy the "whatever" code and it made her completely invincible and have the ability to (lol) completely shut the game down. way to go KotH!

"(KotH" looks almost TOO badass for the show)

I wasn't a huge peggle fan. This looks no better honestly.

You win this round Tanooki Batman..

Why is this not him fighting himself? Golden opportunity missed!

i will when you STOP STEALING MY AVATAR!! :P

i absolutely love how ea is working on listening to the people. they are actively making up for past mistakes and thats awesome! Competition breeds innovation after all! YAY EA AND ORIGIN!

So anyone want to translate what he was saying when it hit and after? That would be interesting.

I WHOLLY agree. also people are still going to be buying consoles after release. people are still buying 360's so why would they change it back to the state it was in when no one wanted it after launch? thats silly. they wont. you sir hit it right on the button.

thats literally what sold the game for me too. those giant mushroom people. as soon as i saw them i said to myself "i have to kill one of those"

i think one said "get ready to be raped by..." apparently you cant even say rape without it being offensive.

if you have an xbox controller look up xpadder. works great to set the buttons to keys