xpadder! its what i use and its WONDERFUL!
xpadder! its what i use and its WONDERFUL!
Dancing Mad - FFIII
My cat is already Tototo! Well, in name at least!
That one was about putting GTA V characters in IV
me too lol! my current 360 controllers thumbsticks are worn and blister me nowadays! CAN'T WAIT for that controller!
i think the controller is the only good thing about it!(to me) ill be buying one for my pc lol
Hey you! the one typing! someones already typed before HOW DARE you type too!
youre talking in circles still justifying bullying. im done trying. i hope one day you can realize that over generalizing and bullying are wrong. i wish all good things for you.
Well at least you're man enough to realize and admit you were being unfair. Props to you good sir!
I never said you did. Though if asked I'd say you just cant grasp the idea of someone not living up to your standards of whats right. That's not hate. That's ignorance. And there's nothing wrong with it until you attempt to spread it to others.
People like you that like to look down on other people for liking something you don't are what make this world sick. people that are "bashing his comments" are coming back with well thought out defenses whereas all the people agreeing with him seem to be the ones ignorantly hating something because they don't like it.…
Speaking for myself:
What drew me in was my kid! She liked it so i just watched it with her. its a wonderful show chock full of moral goodness(friendship, tolerance, acceptance, fairness, etc..) not only that but they really try to make it tolerable and amusing for parents so its enjoyable by all age groups. Which is…
thats fine and a great point but lets face it thats not what the article is leading you to think nor is it what the majority of the comments are saying. its a big "DAE hate bronies" thread and its sad.
and im sorry for saying your parties suck. im sure they are fun!
First and foremost I don't consider myself a Brony. A fan of the show? Sure. But that stems from having to sit down and watch it with my daughter and finding it enjoyable. Now that that is clear..
No matter how much you try to excuse bullying it doesn't make it right or justified. Generalizing every Brony as "creepy"…
Yeah good luck telling them that though. Apparently equality is fine unless you happen to be a fan of a show that's popular to hate. This article and most of the people in it absolutely disgust me.
"the ones i've met....are reeeaaallly creepy people."
"A 19 year old guy should have posters of girls and movies and video games....not pink painted walls with MLP posters and dolls.... everywhere."
You're openly judging and chastising people that don't live up to your version of normal. Who gives a damn if they don't…
Your parties suck. A lot of those people looked like they were having a good time. Why make fun of them at all? That's called being a bully. something id think Kotaku would be against seeing as how far into "geek culture" they are.
Says you. Who the hell are you people to say your way of thinking and idea of posters on a wall is what there should be. Do you ever stop and realize you're a bully? Because that's all the most of the comments on here are. A bunch of insecure bullies.
Yeah let's hate on people because they don't follow the same "norm" we do.