The Quarterback may not throw the ball. The Quarterback will have two (2) options for getting rid of the ball:
The Quarterback may not throw the ball. The Quarterback will have two (2) options for getting rid of the ball:
Absolutely. But I think Embiid might be a little more real. Everything about Dwight Howard was just so fake.
Those have been relegated to Dollar Stores, mostly.
She was fine, but flying through space with the force was, how do I put this politely, very stupid.
I’m going to shoe horn this horrible opinion in here.
I thought Carrie Fisher’s scenes in TLJ were hard to watch.
I just hate lazy writing. The whole ‘wounded duck’ deep pass thing was quite obviously a product of the wind. The NBC crew used the same phrase about it and pointed to it as an example of bad QB play or something, but the exact same thing happened to a Matt Ryan pass a quarter later and Colinsworth sort of admitted to…
At this point, doesn’t Simmons have contacts in the Patriots organization he can rely on to offer refuations or push back on some of Wickersham’s reporting? I understand Simmons’s whole persona is embracing the fanboy homer character rather than eschewing it (although 10 years ago I think his fanboy response to this…
Why are we pretending that the idea that there are other people beyond the Skywalkers using the force is some kind of revelation? That’s always how it’s been. Like, in addition to the prequels, there are entire episodes of Clones Wars and Rebels that deal with other force-using kids. Not to mention half of every Star…
There is literally zero chance he does anything other than sign with the Pats, rest until the afc championship game and proceed to go batshit and sack Ben six times
[To daughter, pointing at drugs] “You can’t touch this!”
I know a lot of people shit on Little Caesars, and I’m fully aware that it’s not great pizza by any stretch, I will firmly maintain that at 5 bucks and not having to order ahead, it’s worth that price. Throw on breadsticks and sauce and you’re golden. Papa John’s is far too expensive in relation to how terrible it is.
Did you ever watch that 90 minute review of Episode I? It keeps replaying a clip of one of the producers, talking about how digital technology has enabled them: “you can have so much going on on the screen now! WE’re trying to fill every corner with things.” It’s played over and over again to emphasis that this is not…
He should also be allowed Porgs. And a shirtless Kylo Ren with a comically oversized chest. And a cackling puppet Yoda setting Jedi relics on fire with a lightning bolt. He should be allowed all those things and more. Fuck it.
There were many fun things that happened in The Last Jedi, that was not one of them.
Best? That was easily the worst scene in a Star Wars movie since Jar Jar in Episode I.
And then they lost the game! I knew this celebration was some bad Juju.
Did he leave a half-eaten sandwich in the clubhouse or something?
I was simultaneously disappointed and absolutely in love with this entry.
Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.