Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.
Should’ve been you, Curt Schilling.
Bird up!
Shut up, Mr. Burton! You are not brought upon this world to “get it”!
1 - Lucas’s new nickname is “Stalker”. Stalker was also the black member of the original GI Joe lineup. Lucas is also into military tactics and wears camo, as does the GI Joe character. I am certain this is not a coincidence.
2 - Nancy looks kind of like Annie Clark of St. Vincent.
Unless I’m completely misreading this, she isn’t being penalized for being at a school without a girls team. Emphasis mine...
Sounds like Gertrude Stein trying to write about sports, “Chunk plays, plays that are chunk, offense, chunky offense, do you guys play, do you guys chunk...”
You can find me a 2pm every day at your mom’s house. I’m usually there for about 15 minutes.
Pitino lasted 15 seconds. An “affair” is an overstatement.
..deploying rookie running back Kareem Hunt like prime-era
LaDainian TomlinsonBrian Westbrook.
Mock if you will (and of course you will), the man is spot on the money.
Yeah well I’m trying to pretend that I didn’t just eat a whole sleeve of Oreos, but reality is a harsh mistress.
He needs a talented writing partner to help with the plot. JJ nailed the characters but the plot of TFA was just ANH remixed (as has been beaten into the ground).
Nobody cares about your fantasy team, Tom.
Bills are poised to take the lead in the afc east ...
I’m still reluctantly interested. MacFarlane is terrible in so many ways, but he really is 100% earnest in his nerdy love of Star Trek and sci-fi. I believe there is a future for this show that leans away from Seth’s worst tendencies and leans into being just a fun, light take on Star Trek where Discovery seems to…
Norm is on it? I was already planning on watching it because Seth McFarlane is actually really funny no matter how much internet people like to bag on him(best Oscar host in a long time, that’s for damn sure), but Norm really sells it for me. Woot!
I’m still getting used to singling out Green Room as Saulnier’s defining movie. Green Room was good, but it was distinguished by how relentless it was in escalating the tension and violence. I think Blue Ruin showed more potential for a deliberate, considerate approach to violence that an episodic TV series like True…
Really enjoying all the commenters who think “I don’t know the names of any boxers” is a commentary on the sport of boxing and not on their own qualifications for rendering opinions about it.
It was dumb. It was predictable. It was clearly won by Mayweather.