
“What if we did the Avengers, but with lesser known characters and none of the setup movies?”

Breaking: Ken Rosenthal’s Twitter Not Hacked by Donald Trump

Rosenthal, who is good, has addressed the report.

you legitimately don’t think Wilt Chamberlain or Willie Mays could cut it today?

I love my messenger bag, even those times when I can’t quite convince myself it’s not the equivalent of a purse.

What about those of us that aren’t LGBTQ or Euro?

Cargo Shorts or GTFO. I'm too old to worry about impressing anyone.

was hoping he'd leave so I'd no longer have to visit ESPN

“It has always been a great dream of mine to fracture my skull, raise money that I don’t need for medical bills via the internet, and then donate that money back to Brazil. Today, those dreams have become a reality.” - official statement from Cyborg

Shoulda taken the guy who smoked weed in a gas mask.

This has gotta be tough for Yankees fans. I mean, first the Cowboys and Lakers, now this?

Pence’s best play is to have Trump lose.

Agreed. I’m just a stickler about not slapping “no look” on every awesome “lookaway” pass, because it neuters the true awesomeness of the legit no look pass.

Did you see how the defender responded though? As long as the pass inspired that type of reaction, Magic should be good with it. That was filthy.

Here is a comprehensive list:

So what exactly are the monetary benefits for countries that they actually seek out hosting the Olympics? The easy answer is that some people at the top will make money at the expense of others but there has to be more than that. (Hopefully.)

Back alley sirloin steak implants, like, all over?

His first draft: “We are fucked. Fucker fucked us. After Westbrook fucks us we are more fucked. No good player will fucking replace them because who the fuck wants to live in fucking Oklafuckinghoma?”

Funny you should mention the Bucks. They signed Gritlord Dellavadova, who couldn’t get minutes over Mo Williams in the Finals.