Mike Rowe.
Mike Rowe.
The point about the “Old Boys Network” was funny, because I’d imagine part of the basis for Wilbon’s hatred for analytics is that they threaten the existence of the Old Boys Networks of sportswriters/coaches/GMs who don’t understand them.
Have any of you figured out who’s been secretly funding my comments?
The only reason he joined Twitter is because someone told him he could block people.
He should get extra fines for counteracting the badassness of that punch with that silly ass glove slap at the end.
I would have just mailed him a sandwich.
Sorry Tommy, nobody’s sympathizing with the sports writer here who was being a bit smug and then got called out on his bluff.
Put him on Inside the NBA along with Garnett and just have them roast each other mercilessly.
Ernie Johnson: Well we’re here on a special Mother’s Day Edition of Inside the NBA...
Would be nice if they would give Tim Duncan a Kobe Bryant-style send off. The guy’s earned it. Been with the Spurs just as long (almost). Probably a better player in the end. And seems like a more likable dude, to boot.
It's nice to see the ghost of Prince has already found his calling.
Nantz: 4th and 1 on the 48 yard line, do the Las Vegas Raiders gamble?
Fuck you. That looks so good.
Damn, son.
You bastard. How dare you put that in front of my face this close to dinner.
I hate runny yolks, but I would make an exception for that.