
He’s like Dirty Steve from Young Guns

Lochte and three teammates said they were pulled over in a taxi on their way back from a party early Sunday morning, and robbed at gunpoint by a man (or men—important distinction!) pretending to be police.

“Lochte said there had been one robber, while Feigen allegedly said there had been more than one”

They should get a check from Nike forever

Peanut butter open faced with a slice of white American cheese on it...ain’t nothing wrong with that

This one time I was a tremendous dick to whoever in the front office is responsible for the care-taking of the World Series trophies. He responded by having someone take the time to give me & my family a private audience with the trophies in the front offices during one of their busiest days of the year(fan

This poster? And is “telling secrets” what the kids call it these days

Even Dre said, “Inglewood ain’t up to no good”

“Bradley Cooper”
Not from here. He’s one of those suburban people that says they’re from Philly, which REAL Philadelphians despise

“Kobe Bryant”
Really?!? Raised in Italy then relocated to the burbs(see Cooper, Bradley). Proclaimed he wanted to cut the hearts out of the Philadelphia fan base.

“half a Shorti from Wawa”

Half a shorti? Who orders a shorti let alone cuts it in half?!?

Other rappers that have appeared in “The Night Of”:

Finally, something exciting

Yeah, maybe if they lined it with something. Plastic perhaps. Maybe a tarp. any color would do like blue or green

I just wanna comment on the irony of using Cayellow Alvarez, El Pollo Rojo, in a gif calling someone else a coward


The short con is Trump funneled money from his own bank account to his campaign to his businesses and family. But it’s a loan and not a donation, so he’ll get that money back.

The vast majority of Trump’s contributions to his own campaign are loans rather than donations. This means he could expect to eventually recoup these funds. And of his expenditures, most of that money has been payed to Trump owned companies and family members.

How bad do you have to be, in Kiko Alonso’s case, to be called over payed considering he makes less than a million dollars?

This. Spiral cut is a game changer