Bing Madsen

The name sounded familiar, but I had to look up the name too.
Zuko's a character from the awesome Avatar: the Last Airbender. He's the big bad for much of the series run, but turns good near the end.

…I said, do mustard and onions mean anything to you?
- DJ Kool Herc

He gleefully calls his mom the town slut …to her face!! …his MOM!!
…And her only response is to tell him how much she loves him.

Yeah, Preacher… I don't get it.
The first episode was great
(especially the bit with the kids and the DIY bazooka.) Thought the show
had promise as a demented action-comedy… but then, no.

Cinemax announced the show's renewed before the premiere.
The ratings were "soft" for the premiere and continued to drop with each episode, so who knows if it's still renewed…?

Well… that was odd.
- Ichabod Crane watching the Kindred and Kindress saunter into the night.

I had Portal saved near the end just so I could quickly finish the game to hear the end credits "Still Alive". Possibly song of that year.

I have no idea what you're talking about!

So I can sigh.

So I can sigh.

Awesome geek-reference with the Moore(house)'s creator-fueled bitterness over "changes" to his comic. (Alan Moore's none-too-impressed with Watchmen artist Dave Gibbons' role $$ consulting $$ on the Before Watchmen prequels.)…Boy, that reads like dialogue for this week's episode.I go now…

Awesome geek-reference with the Moore(house)'s creator-fueled bitterness over "changes" to his comic. (Alan Moore's none-too-impressed with Watchmen artist Dave Gibbons' role $$ consulting $$ on the Before Watchmen prequels.)…Boy, that reads like dialogue for this week's episode.I go now…



About the right age group, but I guess Ian and the intern never heard the Vampire Weekend song. …or have they?

About the right age group, but I guess Ian and the intern never heard the Vampire Weekend song. …or have they?

Good call regarding Fredricks. Nice to have a character I can genuinely root for.

Good call regarding Fredricks. Nice to have a character I can genuinely root for.

A Paolo Bacigalupi novel in movie form! (especially reminded of Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities)

A Paolo Bacigalupi novel in movie form! (especially reminded of Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities)