
I will fully support this if it means we can merge Christmas and Halloween into 1 super spooky 4 month long costume wearing, gift giving bonanza.

Confucius say: You would probably not do well in China.

I have no idea if this will work, but it MUST be posted.

I read in People* that she actually wears her Kardasian brand Beauty products**. Her lip was some called En-Joystick***?

Oh hey, speaking of which, here's a list of Things People Fear Most by Religion, which is totally scientific: That's not what intolerance is. Being freaked out by religion because people have done really, really, REALLY shitty things to my family and my culture because of religion is not "intolerance." You have no goddamn idea what that word means.

What's wrong with the male gaze?

Morning challenge: name a band worse than Train.

Who's going to tell Lindsay?


oversight ALERT :

Maybe if they weren't traipsing around with a full crew, carting massive lights and cameras and making a metric shit ton of noise- they'd have better luck Finding Bigfoot?

I wish actual hunters would hunt the Kardashian clan.

Does anyone else feel like they are actually friends with GT because you've liked him on Facebook? Just me? I think he's the only Real Person I follow on FB so I kind of just have him mixed up in my head with friends.

Countdown to some stupid ignorant asshole saying "don't be criminals" then in 5, 4, 3....oh, look at that, you popped up right on schedule.

Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow took a selfie of themselves both squeezed into a t-shirt. That t-shirt was covered in drawings of Lena Dunham in various stages of undress.