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    Good to know a 50 mph crash is equivalent to driving off a 7 story building. Buckle up, kids.

    It worked.

    I wouldn’t call it a non-issue when the VP is too stupid or reckless or entitled to follow kindergarden-basic instructions.

    When I was 16, I learned the hard way not to stick it in 1st with the clutch in while going 50. Fortunately it was my Mom’s boyfriend’s car and not mine. :)

    As someone who has dropped his phone in the toilet, I approve this feature.

    I used to love watching these take off from the airbase in Doha.

    You can’t polish a turd. - Butthead.

    What. The. Heck.

    “I don’t give a shit if you’re ok, I WAN’T THAT CAR OFF! NOW!!”

    Sad. It would be nice to see a great turn-around story.

    Technically not proper handling, but kind of a minor offense considering the gun was broken open. Hardly worth the attention it’s garnered.

    Why should Google have to give equal visibility to competing services on its own (free) website?

    So what I hear you saying is you don’t like candy corn?

    Snobby Apple brats. Give ‘em some Lynyrd Skynyrd. That’ll shut ‘em up.

    Maybe they should reduce the ransom to, say, $5.


    You seem to be blaming everyone but the cheaters for tearing families apart.

    I still have and use this phone.

    Always easier to blame a person than a system.

    Exactly 1.21...Egad!