Hang on...
Hang on...
Yeah I have it on PC myself, but PS4+Vita is tempting.
It's worth noting that $10 will get you Fez on three platforms with cross-save. :D
So a company blows a lot of hot air about the game covering the entire province of Tamriel as part of their hype machine and when they fall short I'm "demanding entitled and unrealistic things." Okay. :)
This is the kind of thing I've always wanted but have never been able to find. :)
They didn't even end up putting all of Tamriel in ESO. That was the first and only selling point I was interested in. :\
Forget the screen... I had the XL and swapped down to the 2DS after it came out. The controls are simply far more comfortable because they're placed higher on the device. I play my 2DS far more than I ever played my XL.
That's being pretty generous. They only just announced GBA games for the Wii U. They've been sitting on them for 3 years. :\
*enjoying article*
I think eating impoverished children would be more sustainable.
No one's talking about them because they're the least necessary microtransactions in gaming history. I only used Bravely Second once because there was a tutorial quest for it. Quest is done, never touching it again. The game offers so many other ways to decimate your opponents that Bravely Second is completely…
Surely you aren't referring to the "poor Nintendo ambassadors" who got a slew of free games that still aren't even available for the non-ambassador peasants to purchase, right? :\
Why: Cartman was really just a foul-mouthed fat kid until he decided to get revenge on Scott Tenorman. That was the turning point. Now he's a brilliant sociopath, and the best character on television. (Watch here.)
That T-Rex doesn't have enough feathers...
Before LEGO Marvel I hadn't played a LEGO game since Indiana Jones. I thought it had been long enough. It had not. :(
Still waiting to see if Red Dead Redemption ever makes it onto the Instant Game Collection...
Exactly. Development costs are crippling the industry.
But what do I do to cover the embarrassment of buying Call of Duty? :/
Borderlands 3 should also be fun.