

Good. I've only been confused by his absence since the original Smash Bros. He's the most logical Nintendo character for a fighting game.


Black mages. Yep! I seem to recall some Black Mages tearing me up.

I should say, "Didn't know it changed back..."

For me? I like looking at Final Fantasy Tactics but I can't stand playing it. I'm terrible at it. No, more terrible than you're thinking. Here's an example: I never knew Ramza's sprite changed until a friend told me. :\

Super Mario World

Thanks! :) Only 4 more hours of work to go. lol!

I don't know about you, but, "a lot of fun" sounds "good" to me.

At the moment? I'm trying to wrap my head around game blogging and journalism websites.

"I'm excited to play another game in a series I've enjoyed!" =/= "I already know I'm going to love this game and it will be perfect and flawless!"

For those wondering where Square got the positive quote from Kotaku:

You're right. What was I thinking? Time to go play some BLOPS2!!!!! *HOOAH!*

FFXIII-2 is not as removed as it seems. It just takes a look at the world of the first game through a wide lens. It examines the past, present, and future of a world that you really only saw a tiny slice of in FFXIII.

To each their own.

I'm referring to plain old conversations (not extra skits). I wish I had a concrete example, but as I recall it was always something like:

Number 2 is the main reason I can't play Tales games. Other JRPGs do it too, but none to the extent of Tales games. :\

Simple and concise list of useful tips. Thank you!

Not sure if they've shown it before, but this is my first time seeing it in action. Consider my opinion changed from, "Well we'll see," to "Mega Man! <3"

"I've seen the light, oh the light I've seen. I've seen the light of Saint Caffeine. Of other drugs oh I am clean, but I pray to you Saint Caffeine."