
Whenever I’m in conversation with people about state of the MTA, I always tell them the story of how my uncle was making about $90k a year working a ticket booth in Long Island Railroad stations by the time he “retired for medical reasons” (his ailment would be described accurately as chronic Irish flu).

Like Manning, I feel a proper background check would have filtered them out before hand.

While it was a good episode overall, I spent most of it rolling my eyes given that so much was just a liberal’s wet nightmare. From Mexican Jesus and the peacekeeper firing line (something that has NEVER happened, btw) to a town full of gun worshipping puritans and an Odin Quincanon-channeling Vulcan, it was just

How does someone name their child Reality Winner?

Agreed. Well said, Bull Moose.

My posting history will bear out the fact that I am a proud progressive, but this article was pure liberal navel gazing.

Good job @cue. Starting my subscription @AppleMusic

Lonely men are a great and simple target audience.

Never thought I’d say this but less Natalie Portman, more Kat Dennings.

Ehhh, the people I see burning shit down these days are decidedly left of center their, freindo.

For fuck’s sake Novak... There’s no such thing as a fucking wage gap. Women DO NOT earn less than men for equal work, you dumbass. Women typically make less overall because they tend to choose careers that don’t pay as well. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and research a topic instead of spouting

When I worked for Jackson Hewitt a few years back, part of the training materials pointed out that the majority of tax fraud is committed not by the rich but by the poor (specifically, the poor who overstate their income in order to get more money out of the Earned Income Credit without exceeding the personal

Is America not a first world nation anymore?

The only thing I want Trump’s EPA to do is repeal the ridiculously horrible ethanol mandates.

The primary driver of climate is the Sun, always has been and always will be. Cool little related fact for you, it’s warmer out during full moons.

But are we brave enough to realize this applies to many more current issues than the Trump administration?

I JUST finished season one of colony and it has a surprising similarity to the robot.

And his parents? If I was his dad, I’d throw my entire life away to get these assholes.

He was only off by two feet.