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    So, if I publish a piece saying Adam may be giving people Herpes when he has sex, but we won’t know until he’s tested, my piece would be as accurate as this article. To wit: pure, unadulterated fiction.

    Beginners cannot go wrong with Strunk and White’s “The Elements of Style.”

    Journalists are the worst writers to model yourself after. Their style is highly uniform as dictated by AP or other industry style books, and those styles books are NOT proper English.

    I just laugh at Gizmodo as Progressivism is dumped in the ash heap of history.

    I bet Russia and other nations have been at this for decades. Trump is only difference now

    Don’t recall reality shows 25 ago. But I could be wrong.

    This is modern tech like floppies are modern tech.

    But I hate fat people. I just love the whole SJW insanity of trying to legislate morality, attractiveness.

    That’s your opinion and the opinion of the Left. An equal number (larger if you actually count) would say CNN was leftist, as I pointed out in my original reply.

    Soooo you’re okay with universal CNN (of heated Clinton News Network, Commie News Network fame), but not with FOXNews?

    Wow. Sexist pig much?

    How did Eben Byers manage to drink ‘hundreds of thousands’ of bottles of RadiThor (so)? Were they minuscule servings?

    No amount of yoga would enable Jack Dorsey to get his feet anywhere near his dick.

    How about earning some audience respect by not acting like a bunch of 12 year olds who’ve just discovered expletives. Serious people don’t curse. So, duck you, millennial ignoramuses.

    Let’s say your a person who earns $30,000 a year in 1996. You take a few thousand of those dollars and buy 300 shares of AAPL (Apple, inc.) in 1996-1997 (prices were $12-25 a share then). Then you just leave those shares alone.

    Gag. People will watch anything.

    Look at the minutiae involved here in getting a rejection. Compare to climate change studies. Realize manmade climate change is a political hoax.

    This just smells too convenient. Is this Tami Barker a long-time Airbnb provider?

    Drop dead you commie scumbag wanna-run-everyone-else’s-life elitist pig. You are the very reason people stopped being productive in Atlas Shrugged. I look forward to vomiting on your grave. Good day.

    Take off the echo chamber earmuffs, sperm-brain. There is no consensus. There is active debate. You just don’t like the fact that other humans have the right to disagree with your favorite fan fiction. Enjoy the better farming. Here’s hoping California sinks into the sea with all you mind-numbed whineybabies still