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    Dogs know the difference between real speech and recorded/speaker-produced speech, as others here have said. This study is flawed beyond acceptability based on that alone.

    Put your Hitachi down and go find a real lover, Skippy

    Before Progressive Republican Richard Nixon, most govt agencies were integrated vertically with industries (like the FDA, that you mention); the creation of the EPA, OSHA and other goby entities whose regulations are not written by congress (as ALL were until a couple decades before then), created bureaucracies beyond

    You’re a racist pig

    You got $12,000 to share?

    Better to die free than when the State makes the appointment.

    I’m a better artist than you.

    It is not because of ‘social justice.’ The buzzword du jour for statist communism had nothing to do with extending the franchise to women or blacks. That was just plain ol’ justice. Social Justice is just another phrase for Fabian Socialism.

    Gold diggers dig gold. /sarc

    It’s a ‘plight’ not a ‘blight.’ Getting that wrong maker verything after that gibberish that cannot be trusted.

    Don’t read much, do ya? He’s actually quoted as saying TEST FOR SAFETY FIRST in the post. It’s the medical equivalent of trying a new meal entree. It won’t hurt you, but you might not like the taste.

    Barak Obama did about 9$Trillion worth, not counting all the deaths from ObanaCare patients who could no longer afford their deductibles. For you millennials, a little info. Most of the population of this country did just fine before the FDA, OSHA, Social Justice, and political correctness.