
you a blowing this shit out of proportion.  They were goofing around with what was at hand and available.  1.  That was not cotton is was a fiber blend synthetic, and 2.  Not every thing is race related and hate filled.  I fill sorry for you if everything you see and read has this racist slant to you.  I hope you find

Now playing

In case anyone wants to watch trailer that this post talks about but didn’t include, here it is:

Lmfao jfc. Guess what. There was nothing racist about this at all. Just once again leftists taking the tiniest bit of info taken out of context and then blowing it up into something its not

So is this article trying to say that the kids all did this on purpose? That those white boys knew black people were sensitive about their hair, that they used to pick cotton as slaves, and did it all out of hate, ignorance, and/or racism?

A flag was prevented to be replaced with another normal flag in a video game, now the worlds problems are finally solved, and we have achieved world peace.

Imarine a website that allows mods for skyrim and fallout to allow you to murder children getting their underwear in a wad because someone didn't want something that offended them in a game whose license they purchased. I mean they don't draw a line at child murder but texture replacement on a flag? Ban hammer!

This is super weird to me. Nexus hosts bunch of super weird, super edgy mods, but this gets the ban? A flag? Really?

Imagine being a snowflake, crying because ^^the world doesn’t understand what you want for your life^^, and the next thing you do is celebrate that everyone is forced to play what you want them to play on their own computers . Hilarious.

Don’t be intolerant or we will ban you! ...wait a minute

There’s nothing wrong with the mod. It’s just a patriotic reskin. And btw, this texture was already in the game since the skin is replaced in the Middle Eastern releases.

This is interesting to me because it literally hurts no one either way, but only one side is upset about it.

If people want the stars and stripes instead of the pride flag, that isn’t an incitement to violence or hate speech or anything of the kind, it should be within bounds.

There was a time when gay rights were

Kinda curious on the thought process at Nexus Mods between banning this mod and user while allowing mods that make it possible to kill kids in games (Skyrim and RDR2)

If someone wants an American Flag instead of an rainbow one it's he's choice.

I have to agree with you. I played it on ps5 the flags didn’t bother me. Hell I didn’t even notice them tbh I was too busy actually playing the game. It is a single player game though what the flag is still representing what you believe and stand for in the single player experience of those that want to see it. So if

I’m gonna catch a lot of heat for this but here goes. If I can respect a person for their sexuality because who they choose to be with has no bearing on me, why do I have to care that someone is customizing their single player game to not see things they don’t want to in theirs?

true utopia is achieved when we ban everyone we don’t like. 

The commenters taunt and mock the snowflakes despite themselves being so sensitive that they immediately shit their pants upon seeing a rainbow in a Spider-Man game”

Is this “News” or a “Commentary”. I don’t see the issue with having  textures altered. It would have been an non issue if it was replaced by some BLM stuff

Sorry, the mod was messed up but I don’t agree on banning people who use it, especially when way worse things exist in the realm of mods. Don’t jump to such extremes

I find it absolutely wild that the people who get the most offended on the internet, are simultaneously the same people accusing everyone else of being offended. When all it takes to offend you is saying “happy holidays” you instantly lose the right to complain about others getting offended.