
Seriously, why must the internet apply their social biases onto everything that happens around the world....we’ve all been kids, they do silly things, they like to dress up and have fun...It’s all of you that have the problem. Get a life!
*Quits internet*

@Kotaku - this is the type of article that is causing & fueling the divisiveness that is eroding our gaming community and society in general. Shame on you - you are no better than the regular biased “news” channels. Hate mongering, crap slinging and finger pointing. Keep your agenda to yourself.

The hypocrisy within this, and an increasing number of kotaku articles (and comments) is astounding.
Freedom of speech supports those who want a colorful flag, or those who would like to wave their symbol of national pride. The rainbow flag does not exclusively “own” this space and it’s replacement is not hate speech.

Everyone is entitled to their’s my opinion that Chris Pratt is just another example of the million little things that offend the modern snowflake. ...Whether you like him, you don’t like him, who cares.
Kotaku has been a great site for gaming news, and in my opinion, should stick to it, objectively.