
Yeah, there was. But then Obama

One eyed Willy is gonna see them through this one way or the other.

There was a season 3 dvd, but it was in the nadir of the format. And holy crap snacks there was a 4th season!?

1. Please don’t cheer. It’ll scare the poop out of me.

Nope. You’re absolutely correct, it was 8 in the morning and I was drunkish. On the other hand I’m apparently not a grey anymore woo hoo!

I think this is the first and last time I’ll ever say this: Well said Dee Snider. Well said.

“Pshhh, guess I'll just like, get canceled or something I guess.” What a whiny, spineless little bitch.

Eat A Gun

Shit, they ungreyed Ben Shapiro. Yet here I play with my ding-a-ling.

I have no doubt in my mind that this very totally serious lady is currently writing letters to her representatives urging to pass tighter gun control legislation and is participating in other such grassroot efforts.

You read it here first folks: Gay people have psychic powers and they are through with your shit. 

sTiCk tO sPuRts!!1

I was purposefully conflating Chris Benoit with Donald Trump because fuck those assholes. I love your profile pic btw.

I dunno, he scrubbed Chris Benoit. Why not trump?

Fuck Ken Bone.

Bonerland, duh.

#1: Slider6294

Wow. You must really like playing Star Citizen!

My dock simply no longer functions *sad trombone noise from The Price is Right.*

Oh, look at this guy. He still has a functioning Switch dock. Must be nice.