
It appears as though Whole Foods has discontinued their version. I am almost wondering if they rolled out of the same factory as both were made in Canada and both have since been removed from sale. 

when they built it it was surrounded by mosquito infested swampland and the east river was basically a sewer..

today it is between the two runways of LGA, so would be noisy as fuck to live there, only one way on or off the island so traffic would be a shit show

TVR Cerbera with chameleon paint

I just think he’s trying to play mind games over public channels.

I’m still extremely upset we never got the 6 Wagon

Because it is filler for the 24/7 news cycle. Canadian news networks aired U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings, which were quite literally irrelevant to Canada, but hey...I guess it meant a break for the newsroom.

This is exactly why police unions and pension funds need to take the hit on settlements. Officer Roid Rage is clearly leading the aggression, and the other one on camera looks afraid to challenge him or de-escalate.

Yup I definitely have this problem! I can literally feel the congestion side from one nostril to the other.

I’m a side-sleeper, and it’s commonplace for the nostril closest to the ground to be completely plugged up while the other is fine. I’ll switch sides and for a few fleeting seconds, I’ll be able to breathe through two gloriously unobstructed nostrils before the other one initiates the process of mild suffocation all

Wouldn’t brushed satin make dirt stick better though? I am assuming they would have tested that but who knows.

1. Salads
2. Tuna salad
3. Martinis and Bloody Marys
4. Any and all batters
5. A roasted bird
6. Caramel
7. Airplane food
8. Bland tomatoes
9. Apples

MSG would go a long way to offset the saltiness I feel about clickthrough slideshows.  

Pictured: the New York of my childhood, 1974. No way that car survived that place in that time unscathed unless it was loved and garaged.

(UNSHUNNED) I am temporarily lifting my shun of G/O Kinja boards to praise you for that comment. It was perfect! (RESHUNNED)

I’m seeing more and more green and brown on new cars and I am 100% here for that shit.

I personally like to click on a thing exactly one time so you won’t see slideshows from me unless I get yelled at for not doing it.

Look how great this worked without damned slideshow.

Seriously, no more of that crap.

Employees don’t always pay attention to where products should go.

Right? Those 2 foot mohawks didn’t stay up by themselves. Elmer’s!