
Yeah, that was a good game. This game looks cheap.

I'm surprised you weren't immediately turned off by those big burly men.

Yeah, thank you. I don't understand why this person is getting so defensive. I didn't say that the artwork was bad, I just think the faces all look the same and are pretty generic. On Kotaku it seems like you HAVE to post a POSITIVE opinion on something or else the sheep will gang up on you and try to attack you

Pretty good but I hate his faces.

It depends how tough you are mentally. If you have that mindset, everything in life is hard for you.

It's barely bigger than the 3DS XL, if the 3DS XL can fit in a pocket the 2DS can also so your "hardly be taken out the house" comment is fuckin hilarious. Once again, how is it useless if it performs the same functions as a 3DS and is 70$ cheaper.

Yeah, this doesn't make sense at all when it's smaller than the 3DS XL. Nice try trying to defend loltaku.

How exactly is the 2DS useless? It's 70 dollars cheaper than the 3DS and is essentially the same system...

I was told that only PC Games are allowed to have the best graphics. Liars.

Art Direction goes a long way. This game may be technically superior but GTA V looks better. This game seems so generic and stale, I can't fuckin stand it.

Because Hipsters.

Just a loner? Cool.

MMO player?

8 minutes? Seems half assed.

How dare they portray women like that.

Why not just form your own opinion?

My favorite super heroes drawn in the most generic style possible?

I'm good.

"Vintage black n white".

Maybe let someone who knows about 2d animation talk about this game. If they were trying to evoke the Fliescher vibe, they completely missed the mark.

Is that guy 3 feet tall?

Maybe people are just naming the character after themselves. Crazy, I know.