"Thank you for reading Kotaku, a news and opinion site about games and things serious gamers care about."
I think this game is a little too much.
Her Armor covers 98% of her body. Seriously, what the hell are you mad about? Do you get mad when you see sexy women out in the street?
Nice bait m8.
Sounds like you you're really young and need to grow the fuck up.
Video game glitches. Fear on a primal level.
I can't believe you actually typed that out.
Wow, I'm surprised BAPE still exists; thought they would've died out by now. I had too many pieces of clothing from them. Still have about 8 pairs of mint condition BAPESTAS in my closet. SMH.
Isn't it more than "people who disagree with me"? These people go out of their way to change the way games are made and can band together and decide what games get released and what games don't, depending on if it meets their agenda.
As Video games get closer to being considered Art, it becomes more apparent that Video game journalists aren't cut out for this job. Instead of letting the industry flourish, you're stagnating it. It's going to be another 50 years, AT LEAST, before Video games can even be considered on the same level as Film.
Also, no…
My god... I have no idea how someone can be such a corporate shill.
The Worst Game to come out in 2014. I can't believe how shit this game is.
They're not journalists, they're "bloggers".
I wonder if a Kotaku writer is capable of writing a article more than 1,000 words. You guys hit the jackpot man. Getting paid for high school level work.
You're all going to be sorry when this conglomerate of SJW's runs real gamers, the ones who actually play games and don't give a shit about politics being shoved in their games, out of their hobby with this disgusting attitude. Think of all the shitty games they're going to make to pander to the feminists, SJWS, and…
SJW's try to dictate the gaming landscape, and shove their opinions as facts for years all over the internet.
Gamers stick up themselves, expose the corruption in video game culture and they get called "mean".
How could you be so dense? It's remarkable. But yeah, go ahead and delete this comment and continue to police…
This is the reason why Videogames will never pass that threshold into being considered Art. Too many "journalists", bloggers, and "critics", constantly criticize the decisions developers make and try to dictate the opinions that the general public will have instead of letting the public decide on what they like. You…
Why are you such a fuckin faggot?
You barely get video games right, please don't even try to write about Rap Music.