
These don't look anything like the characters which is where my main criticism lies. Pull your skirt up.

How would that make these less terrible?

They didn't even try to get the faces right. These are pretty fuckin terrible.

This will probably be my next Nintendo handheld.

I stated my opinion and everyone replied to me. Not sure if you know how online public forums work.

Such an exciting life, thanks for sharing.

At least they got the hipster-slick UI down. Money well spent.

No, there's good values and bad values. It's about bettering yourself and becoming a better person. You can't defend something just because it makes you feel good temporarily. That's what people who are addicts do. It's not a coincidence that most people who stop playing MMO's lose a lot of weight, get

You actually think you're deleting my posts?

"sports aren't great at actual physical fitness."

We have a winner! Thanks for that gem.

MMO developers love you.

Yes, you would find staying healthy and taking care your body while promoting interactions with people from all walks of life a bad thing. Go sit down.

Good job on the insult, I see you're very weak minded. You made my point for me. If you think that being involved in a virtual community is healthy and a great substitute for being involved in real community, you're delusional.

I guess it works out because they know their place and save us the trouble from interacting

You're right, going on adventures in virtual worlds has the same value as doing the same in Reality.

Don't. Just log into your MMO and tell your guild mates that people were being mean to you today.

Save it. You're not telling me something I don't already know.

I honestly feel sorry for people that invest a lot of time in MMO's. So much time wasted on such mundane experiences. Everyone I talk to who "plays", praises the social aspect of it and it always leads me to wonder, "why not just interact with real human beings if that's what keeps bringing you back." Of course that's

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