
No art direction. This shit sucks.

I play on PC and consoles and I gotta say if I had to make a list of top 20 games of all time, 80% of them would be Console exclusive. Yeah, PC can give you way better performance, etc. but the games always seem like a afterthought and never really utilize the tech anyway. Sure, you have certain companies like Valve

You don't excavate garbage from garbage.

Yeah, I think Kotaku has run it's course. It used to be one of the first places that reports news but now it's just become their own personal blog. These people represent nothing about the culture I grew up with. 20% actual video game news, 75% random bullshit from reddit/tumblr/4chan, and 5% original content.

I can't

How foolish of me to let these basic ass references fly over my head.

These entries seemed really weak all around.

Does Kotaku ever break news first?

Of course, Vivi would be number one.

Man, I don't think I can associate myself with this culture anymore and that's sad. I think I already played the best the industry has to offer because nothing in the last last 10 years has matched up yet. This era is what the 80's were to Hollywood movies.

Hey, Big Brother.

Who's showing concern for who?

The gaming industry and gaming journalism is in a really bad place right now. Too many white knights with no fuckin balls. A little bit of me is hoping for another video game crash.

This looks awesome. The only thing that irks me is that his hands go from Lego to Hand drawn.

The outfit isn't stupid at all. Not sure what you're trying to push here. It just seems like Kotaku hates healthy, fit women and wants to promote obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.

Get fucked.

I guess people couldn't see through the bullshit.
