
Not entirely. Coffee does have a neutralizing effect on many scents, which is why perfume shops often have bowls of coffee beans for refreshing the olfactory sense between samples. However, coffee is a suspicious item for this reason, as this chemical property has long been exploited by drug smugglers. Furthermore,

I honestly like this idea, a lot, but the advice included here is elementary and mostly obvious. As a man with relatively little sexual experience, I was hoping to learn more. For instance: what should a man do with the many diverse and labyrinthine lady-parts down there? What other physical contact complements the

I tend to believe the women in this case. However, it’s not a good general rule to say “if three sorority girls accuse one fraternity boy of rape, the boy is guilty.” Imagine the power that would give sorority girls. Most would never consider abusing that power, but some most certainly would. Next time you flip off a

Your friend saw no other way out. Meds are not the magic solution. I'm sorry for your loss, truly.

That's fucking impossible. A goddamn fantasy. Fuck love.

Why did you stop? I want to keep reading.