Crazy Vaclav

Essentially, what Chris is saying is that if White people don’t think he should do something in front of them, he will gladly oblige, no questions asked

In your well-thought out plan, how old do children have to be to protect a woman from incarceration?

Well, I’m confused how it is cruel exactly for the state to continue to impose a sentence on a person that was already established before because that convicted person has abusively created a life with callous indifference to its fate in order to use it as a bargaining chip to avoid a fair and just conviction.

your take makes zero sense. by definition these resellers are buying a tiny fraction of the stuff at thrift stores. if they were buying most of the stuff there they wouldn’t be turning a profit. if someone in need goes to a thrift store they will find plenty of stuff, maybe a few of the super cute / interesting items

I fear that regardless of the merits of the case, many women will suffer as a consequence of the Heard-Depp verdicts. The results will be twisted and misapplied in ways that will make further abuse likely.

Amber Heard Verdict Sends A Message To Black Women Everywhere”

One would think that after the 653rd time being unanimously lambasted for this stupid take that you’d begin to catch on?  No?  

“Bring her home”: you had several weeks since writing your last piece on this to say how this might be accomplished, and came up with... (scans article again) nothing. Not a practicable pay structure for the WNBA, not a path forward for the State Department, not a reasonable action that any individual reading this

So basically she meant to donate the funds, but then ran into financial difficulties and couldn’t? That doesn’t seem that particularly . . . damning. It’s not great, but it’s understandable - especially in light of how brutally expensive the defamation case ended up being.

i hate when arguments avoid the central issue and focus on the verbal gaffes used when saying it. The semantic portrayal isn’t the issue.

It’s a bit surprising to see this debate proliferating now, as human women have existed on Earth for at least five million years[.]

Lol...I just knew an article like this one was heading our way. This kind of logic or interpretation justifies EVERYTHING; excuses everything, however inexcusable the behavior or deed.

Oh, FFS. Taking issue with an inaccurate statement made by the author is not minimizing her as a person or her plight. Have a good one.

It is more than right wingers that are concerned about trans women such as Thomas competing against cisgender women. And it hardly advances reasoned discussion on the issue to pretend so. Whether it is pure talent and determination that brought Thomas these wins, or the skeletal-muscular and lung capacity advantages

This director tried to make a dumb, unnecessary, and poorly-considered joke about how hard it is to win recognition as a female film-maker. She did not mention race, blackness, whiteness, or anything of the sort.

to cover your bases, you may want to warn your son about getting high, wildly shooting his AK-47, and aiming his gun as a threat at other hallucinating gun owners.

So he threw a couple of guys under the bus (as you note), diverted 20 Chicago detectives from investigating other crimes, and did real damage to the very social cause he claims to be championing. And 150 days is harsh??

Because the risk to school-aged kids is less than the ride to school every day

Jesus Jezebel’s coverage of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has been dreadful. I hardly know where to start.

It’s a little weird to me that Gard, who grabbed Howard first, is not seeing a suspension for his role in the matter.