Crazy Vaclav

This is not a well researched article based on fair comparisons (shocking for Jezebel, I know.)

“The whole thing just felt tone-deaf and super awkward.”

I don’t understand the back lash. She’s a person of color thus the award. She’s from NYC thus the accent and attitude. Ya’ll never watched Nora from Queens or her YouTube videos? I think the people complaining want her to sound “Asian”?

Please, people, do not shoot your guns into the air. I know it’s weird that I have to say this in 2022, but the bullets have to come down somewhere

Remembering orders, standing for eight hours, not punching people and making shit wages are not skills. That’s not a talking point, it’s reality. No need to get all fucking butthurt. If you don’t want to make coffee for a living all you have to do is go to community college, acquire a skill and get a better job.

Unpopular opinion: schools should be the last thing to close. If we can still dine in restaurants, go to the gym, go on fucking cruises, schools should remain open. The cost - to kids, to parents and especially working mothers - is too high. Europe closed schools far less than the US and still the academic costs were

Wow, thin-skin is real. Low-skilled just means you can be replaced easily because you lack specific skills necessary for certain job functions. It’s nothing to take offense to.

Extremely weird thing to “revel” in, but ok

It’s not about being good, but being influential. And Musk’s companies did some pretty good stuff this year:

Yes, arson should be punished with jail. Few things are as destructive as a fire.

I can’t be the only one that finds this slightly ridiculous, right? They want her to quit SVU, because too many people believe a fictional cop show represents the actual NYPD? I’ve always viewed SVU as a fantasy, just like Grey’s Anatomy. I don’t assume all doctors are hot and fucking in closets.

Just FYI, the fastest women’s time this year in the 100 meters wouldn’t make the top 1000 of the men’s times. I’m not sure relegating women athletes to the deep, deep, deep minor league of almost every sport answers any problems we have.

The “real fuck-up” is definitely still the rape but that’s splitting hairs as I totally agree with you. If you see a grown employee behaving at all inappropriately with a 14 year old and don’t fire them immediately, what the fuck are you doing??

Apparently the gun was never brought across state lines, so no “trafficking across state lines” occurred, and besides that would be a separate charge and really have no real bearing on whether he was allowed to defend himself in the moment. I’m talking about how people use that point like he had no right to be there

I think the not calling them victims thing was a stupid call...

In fairness, Brady was widely publicized as cheating, which directly attacks the NFL’s product, while Rodgers was only jeopardizing the health and safety of his fellow NFL machinery, which very much isn’t what they’re selling.


He, in all quantitative and qualitative measures, is a worse receiver than someone like Mike Evans of the Bucs. Yet Mike Evans never gets called otherworldy, while OBJ gets this lofty title as though he’s Randy Moss or Terrell Owens.

The reality is that, at his best, OBJ would’ve been another Tim Brown, Steve

What is the evidence that he’s even still good, much less “otherworldly?” Those 2014-2016 seasons were a lifetime ago.

If he came by his position honestly, I could at least respect that. If abortion is murder, then all abortions are murder.