Billy Suter

I find it highly suspicious that their method of fixing the problem is signing up for a subscription service they’re associated with. I wonder how much of a kickback they’re getting.

Louise is holding Kuchi Kopi.

In Soviet Russia, Hard Times falls on you!

Only one? Hard pass.

It’s on Hulu right now! GO GO GO

I guess this is what really happens when you find a stranger in the Alps.

There’s a Twitter account called GIFS GALORE that posts pictures from an old CD.

And the Democrat response:

Further reports indicate that they plan on re-recording all of the dialog with blackjack and hookers.

“Don’t be a TOOTBLAN. Use Cialis and score every time!"

Now playing

Bedford is a GM subsidiary, so the vans came with either Vauxhall slant 4s, a Perkins diesel, or Holden V6s for the Aussie market.

The Skid Factory found a way to wedge a Ford Barra motor in one.

Was it an Autobot or Decepticon?

Is this true?

Which one?

Reminds me of Agent Smith.