Billy Suter

Maybe you’ll reply, maybe not...but you had a great set of ideas until the stupid shit you puked onto the post at the end. Try harder, dingo

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

can’t wait for the City + Motocompo make a comeback

Or maybe THIS cool VW?

Rodriguez also said, “How he walked away from this and survived it. I mean, somebody was definitely watching out over him.”

Enough with the damned slideshows, especially when there’s 40 of them to go through.  Just list the stupid things and make it easy for your readers.  

We must act. I propose a regulation where if a horse encounters a car, the rider must pull over and rapidly disassemble the horse, then hide the horse parts in a bush until the car passes.

I’d love to see someone come to market with a product called “Hump” today...

TikTok, Boomer.

How the hell are drivers meant to get through that while texting? It’s government gone mad, completely out of touch with road users’ Instagram-watching needs.

I mean...there are car museums I would and have paid money for. But a single car? Probably not.

Internet fame. Which he’s getting. 

This. This was the end game. The tiktoks and Jalopnik articles and 15 seconds of clout.

Love it. But due to budgetary restrictions I’ll need to wait for the modernized Fiero version.

Is there a reason that this series isn’t called “A Valiant Effort”?

Raymond Luxury Yacht?

Whoa! Invoking Hulk Hogan? That’s pretty ballsy for a website that used to be associated with Gawker.

If you fail to earn enough money in a day, like I did at one point, some muscle-bound dude will deck you in the face”

I dunno. I have a phobia about running a gas station ever since the can incident.