
Anybody notice how you never saw him flip or roll with the arm? Couldn’t work. It was a stupid, stupid, design.

Capcom just destroyed Square Enix with that RE2 announcement.

Their target audience seems to be “Destiny and Warframe players”... and less “people who play Biowaregames”...

So this is a game coming out next year and Bioware don’t even seem to know their own target audience for the thing.

every village in his homeland looks identical to each other.

Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”

That sucks. The big roster from across Sega stuff was one of the more fun things. And now that Sega owns the Endless franchise, we could’ve had OPBOT or a Craver cart, which would’ve been awesome.

Sadly, they heard “we want a naval combat pirate game” and translated it as “we want to pay you money in perpetuity for a multiplayer online only game.”

Now playing

“The Quick Time Event was created for Shenmue, for example.”

I am turning into a hedgehog, there is atleast one big spike coming trough already!

why go go-karting when you can just drive a car around a parking lot? it doesn’t matter how fast sonic can run, driving is still a good time. and it helps for balancing because it gives other characters a chance

A full-fledged Pokemon RPG on Switch?!?!?!?!

Those images look rendered so it really could just be printed on and I feel it most likely is.

The horrifying triumphant rise of Roseanne followed by the almost immediate fall was so brief that it was comical.

Cut to Dan sitting at a desk writing a story about that time Rosie caught space fever and got all political.

At this point can’t they just kill her off in an offscreen car accident and have Sandy Duncan lead “the Connor Family”

Lets just get to where this franchise is heading already

And the rest

I see your overthinking and raise you over shopping