
Unsurprising judgemental and condescending tone to this article, being on Kotaku. Get over yourselves.

Whoa. We’re not talking about your dream Metal Gear game now. We’re talking about the glorious Revengeance.

Yep, there is. In the command wheel.

The most powerful horse since G Gundam.

Once you get some variety in your own personal style, the combat becomes more... methodical than slow. You’re certainly not bored, that’s for sure. You’ve probably already found this out, especially if you’re a part of the Souls(Borne?) community, but unlike Bloodborne, where most can get through the game and see most

Quadraxis alone made that game.

In answer to some of your questions:

Dude.... read my comment again, I didn’t say “looks like” I said “feels like”.

I’d say that you’re just approaching it with the wrong mentality. It is NOT a first-person shooter. Its has more in common with 3D Zelda games than Halo or Perfect Dark. Metroid Prime was the first First-Person game I ever played, and I have to day, I still don’t understand how people can aim with dual analogs. L/Z

You can rest your hands on your lap and still point without much effort. There is no way that is tiring.

Considering how hard it is to actually find a copy of Pandoras Tower it could be good for people who know what it is. For those would don’t... ya could be a better title.

Super Saiyan 3 Goku IS weak compared to super saiyan god, beerus, and especially whis.

Considering DQ 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 have been localized, it’s not that unlikely to happen. Only outlier here is 7 and the MMORPG.

Toriyama? He has nothing to do with animation. He’s currently character designer/plots.

Everyone is so upset by such minute details in DBSuper. The frames posted don’t really feel as bad as the bandwagon is making out—just from the shots that were posted.

I can be included. Then I slept for 6 hours then went back to unlock the secrets

That’s not the point. It demonstrated the proof of concept in a brilliant way. If they could do this with a simple playable trailer, then imagine the full game.

I don’t know, the game did get a lot of popularity for a teaser. It was probably the best looking thing in the Silent Hills series that we got out of the past couple of years.

RIP silent hill