"That is one Nintendo-ass motherfucker."
"That is one Nintendo-ass motherfucker."
If you think about it (and I'm not saying Michael Bay has), they're actually ridiculous stereotypes precisely because the robots have learned about the cultures they've adopted from TV/movies. They are exactly the equivalent of the Americans who tour Scotland dressed in kilts and listening to bagpipes on the iPod or…
For all of you not in "the know" this is not something new to Transformers, and I don't mean Michael Bay's films.
Generation 1 had Jazz and Blaster. Drift in this movie is (partially) based on another character named Drift, who was pretty much just as stereotype laden, and had the backstory of somebody's fourth-grade…
Well, Drift is somewhat of a samurai in the IDW comics.
I'd love to see a re-release of FFXII Zodiac Edition here in the West, but I also don't think I could bring myself to play it. I sunk 120+ hours into the original FFXII (while I was unemployed) and I just can't bring myself to do that again. At the same time, I'd love to play around in that game again, and my PS2 save…
Well, this obviously cost them very little time and money to do. Now use that savings to bring us FFXII which is so much more appealing after we saw how bad it can really get after FFXIII. (XII was a very solid game but a poor Final Fantasy, XIII was just bad everything, except some music but even that was almost…
HaHa, nice one :D its like Magikarp uses splash... But nothing happens... Yamcha still dies...
I like how yamcha sings about how useless he is.
Wii U.... come on SEGA.. do it.
How is the N64 Rainbow Road in the top 3?! They butchered that track by shortening it. By the time you start taking in the sights and enjoying it, it's over.
Or not made at all?
I was absolutely 100% uninterested in this game, having never played the original. Then, at E3 they announced the original will be included, and suddenly, since everyone seems to think the original was great and lots of people are excited for this, I am rather interested in getting this now. Im sure I am not the only…
unnatural smoothness? does your life run frame locked or something?
He made the wrong decision. It's 60fps or bust with racing games. When will developers ever learn this? Don't tell me you made the best driving game you could have made when you made the conscious decision to make it at 30fps. That's just flat out wrong.
I hope you were joking with the 24 fps being a "film look" and making fun of people who think thats how it works with games... Cause if not thats pretty bad coming from a journalist.
Games at 24 fps do not feel smooth at all. It does not bring "that authentic film look". It looks choppy. Because in film and games things are rendered differently. A game can potentially look as good as film at 24 fps, I'll give it that, but it is much easier to achieve the same smoothness by just making it a 60 fps…
I for one think they should bring it all the way down to 24 and for that authentic film look and also so they can really ramp up the tessellation. Because if I sit down with DriveClub and the in-game steering wheel is not perfectly round I will yell loudly about it on the internet. That's really all I care about in…
Stanley Kubrick and Kojima are so much alike. If you don't see it, you don't look at film the same way as an artist does. You probably play mgs and ignore the messages. Only difference is Kubrick didn't make sequels. In a way, Kojima doesn't either. Each game has it's own identity.
Personally i like the idea that Metal Gear Solid 3 had with rewarding a certain play style with a shorter boss fight (the sorrow).