I always stick my finger in the hole
I always stick my finger in the hole
You're doing it wrong if you're using summons after the first couple of hours. :(
you played the game completely wrong then.
I'm certainly not vouching for religious scientists, but I have to point out it's possible to be both.
It's sad to see a group of people who crafted some genuinely colourful, upbeat, fun and creative games get absorbed into the drudgery that pump out the same bland game year after year.
That said personal bias aside, It's better than them loosing their jobs alltogether.
I'm crossing my fingers. The last few Mario Karts have had fairly dull tracks. With any luck, the driving on walls bit will add some diversity.
You are my hero, billysan.
N64 has one of the WORST full catalogues on any Nintendo console. There's maybe 10 really good games and 3-4 great ones. Nostalgia glasses off people.
That's why I play Bayonetta. For the plot.
Bayonetta skin for Guacamelee:
Story is the weakest part of the MGS series???? Lol everyone complained that the games had TOO much story for them to handle. Who the f wrote this? lol
Someone at Bungie has some 'splainin' to do.
I'm not comfortable with how I feel about this...