
I’d assume they may go more into detail, they seeded Lament of Innocence events in, so Dracula gets his power and dominion over the night via the philosophers stone and Walter’s soul.

Dracula not active enough.......people actually complained about that....

I love the fan service in the show. It’s clear the people behind the show love these games just as much as me.

Late 70s-80s toddler fashion.

I think what has aged is the special effects and creature design. I thought the movie made the situation a bit more intense.

I would love for the episode to completely turn the original story upside down.

As you may have heard, things haven’t been too great in Star Wars fandom lately.

So basically people trolled a naturally beautiful women into thinking she wasn’t naturally beautiful?

This is Martin Cochingco, a man able to take a bunch of ridiculously exaggerated video game animations and somehow recreate them in real life.

It felt like a child’s perspective of the events to be honest.

One of the reason I disliked this episode. This is been handled much better countless times in other TV series.

Really hated this episode. Felt very dated (subject matter has been done better countless times) and more like it belongs on NBC or something.

How in the hell is this show still alive.  Who’s watching this shit?

I would have preferred a new time of day setting that puts large puddles literally everywhere. But I doubt their engine could handle that.

I love they kept Spider-Man’s red boots. I hate when artist think boots are dumb and we end up with a costume that looks like one piece pajama bottoms.

They kill the puppet with fire.

It’s almost like they’re following the progression of some other Bogus Time Travel series.

What if Youtube never comes this the end...

The last thing I wanted to here when revisiting these characters is that Rosanne dies. It was great seeing them all back together but this is something I just don’t want.

I mean everyone knew what kind of person she was and still tuned in to make the relaunch a massive success.