I think this person is confusing relevance with popularity, which is why he went with the demographic description. So I’m guessing the argument is S-K is working with fresh young upstart St. Vincent (!) in a desperate attempt to stay relevant. Which is hilariously myopic and makes me miss Hipster Runoff but whatever.
Yousa in big doo doo dis time!
I always thought her “All shall love me, and despair!” moment both turned on and empowered many people of different genders.
Because Kidman acted circles around him?
They have chewy Spree in the bulk section at my grocery store and once in a blue moon I will get some. But they don’t last more than two hours because I have no self control and the texture/flavor is perfect.
Pancakes, Marty.
They are fine, but the ingredients are upscaled enough to sell for $5 and they’re huge. It’s the kind of place you can take grandparents or someone who isn’t sure they want tacos (but I do get cravings for their fried avocados). Any Austin foodie would probably pick their favorite taco truck or local hole in the wall…
I remember I found the Respect if Burning compilations that year and got obsessed with French House. Big Beat and Trance felt like electronic music was getting neutered and homogenized, so the one-two punch of French House and then Electroclash really felt like a shot in the arm.
Oh man, UT-Austin’s student TV channel played MuchMusic and this was on a loop.
Yeah, Bound felt like a proof of concept - the design was an interesting take on a child’s fantasy world, but the story and gameplay weren’t very nuanced. I thought Rime handed this pretty well because the the level design was connected to the reveal, so the ending landed like a gut punch.
It keeps me rockin’ all of the time.
To Whom It May Concern: Please make this and let Todd Solondz direct it.
Looper, but dumb it down to get the CGI budget.
The old “banana in the tailpipe” trick!
Danny Brown has a NSFW opinion.
Pretty sure the guy who was tripping balls and accosted me on his way out of the IMAX probably said that.
My introduction to the New Gods was Cosmic Odyssey because I was a huge Mike Mignola fan (it’s still some of my favorite art from when I collected comics). My main memory is Orion being an asshole and Batman punching him in the face.
I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!
Welcome to the Dollhouse spinoff?