Billy Madison

Zan with that lean.

She is so great.

I would like a nice, powerful, mind-altering substance. Preferably one that will make my unborn children grow gills.

Reading this made me want to replay Metroid Prime 3.

Seeing how anyone in hospice is likely to be doped up on morphine I’d say a good mix of acid/Chicago house from ‘85-’95, with a 15" subwoofer.

My mall was in a terrible movie! (Scenes from a Mall)  I was too cheap to buy anything at the food court, but I remember splurging at Chi-Chi’s. It was my first exposure to Mexican/Tex-Mex outside of my dad making Old El Paso tacos and I loved it. I’m sure it was all garbage, but every now and then I get a craving for

I like my beer cold, my TV loud, and my homosexuals tragic.

It’s pickle dick!

“Sailing the Seas of Cheese” sounds so simultaneously twee and remedial that I can’t deal with it.

His SFU character was so terrible it took me a minute to warm up to his excellent film work.

You softer than Flanders’ son

Shining Path and Pinochet, so disruptive! But who wouldn’t pay the ultimate price for an imaginary utopia?

I’m usually a year behind because I wait for sales so I’m currently playing AC: Orgins which is definitely the best since Ezio, largely because the setting is so fantastic.

Waluigi only plays a Vincent Price Lothario so he can hide his discreet relationship with a down low Roy Bowser.

Whenever I hear someone wax poetic about revolution all I can think is, “You would be eaten alive.” It’s mainly just a bullshit way to form a critique from scratch instead of having to engage with the real world.

Ha, I feel the same way but about Eureka. Something about they way she pushes her narrative makers her character feel completely inauthentic and neutered.

I think it’s an opportunity for lightweights to take themselves seriously.