Billy Madison

I saw it in the theater and was kind of bowled over by the visuals but I had to actively ignore Dehaan (although Delevingne did well enough with her Hermione Granger: Space Cop). In fact, I thought it was so pretty I bought it to show off my 4K TV and it’s very re-watchable once you know what to expect from the leads.

I thought that was Billy Corgan singing but then I saw the hair.

I always thought Prince fell off when he leaned hard into New Jack as an indifferent nod to rap.

I unreservedly love “Wonderful Christmastime” and its twee New Wave dub.

My friend’s 10-year-old daughter’s favorite band is Queen. They’re eternal.

You are blessing these comments.

LSD = Truth

“I had a rough year, Dad.”

My fondness for this movie and Jupiter Ascending made me realize I have a weakness for goofy space opera with high production values.

I think part of being in a relationship is learning to identify and articulate your where your feelings are coming from. It’s not an invitation for the other person to argue with you, just a space where you can be honest. Plus it’s just a useful skill to have.

Come and knock on our doooooooooor

You have my sword.

I prefer the assembly cut, but the most interesting thing about this movie were the making-of videos. Particularly a medieval time-travel idea that morphed into production design sketches featuring a planet made out of wood populated by space monks.

“Don’t count me into your group, honeybuns. I’m not one of you.”

Does this mean they can get real makeup and accessories again?


My favorite thing about Oxenfree was the soundtrack.

This is delightful and broke my heart a little more.

I’ve found many bears enjoy a cheap rum punch (sweet) at the underwear party (savory).

I’m feeling Britpop keyboardist vibes.