Billy Gene Simmons

He didn’t cost Hillary the election.

“I don’t regret pissing on an electric fence. I regret the result.”

Typing in password1! is not hacking.

Depends on where you live, but I enjoy the fall. I’d rather write sales copy for dick implants than be tasked with doing a lukewarm take on fall. I also live near a beach and enjoy that, too. Apparently Severed Butthole is a life newb and hasn’t experienced the joy of showing a toddler sand fleas on a beach. I’d bet

Any dunce knows that Albers shouldn’t’ve been pitching in two different innings.

I disagree. Dr. J ruled.

Start watching cricket. What? you’re not that familiar with the the teams?playoff structure? Well watch it! Because I like it. Watch it! Who cares if you like it. Watch it because me.

Who could’ve imagined this a year ago? Everybody.

Yr trying too hard. 2.3/10

The slide was legit. At worst, it was bad decision in the heat of the moment.

Stopped at “beat the fuck out of him.” Gateway Pundit has higher standards.

Atlanta/Cobb County will soon be at the vanguard of professional sports cities by passing legislation requiring a 100%-taxpayer funded stadium to be under construction at all times.

Agree that it’s a stupid, impossible, unpatriotic idea on multiple levels.

What’s insufferable is “New York Pizza.”

Regardless of intent, that came off as pretentious. And long. I stopped reading at “pretentious.”

Kicking a FG to go up 11 would’ve sufficed.

Because of the Shanhans, normal people have to put up with this bullshit for a year. Fuck your Trump-slurping team.

The Falcons blew it. Sure, Brady and Belichick took advantage of them blowing it, but there was no fine balance. The Falcons blew it.

No. Atlanta blew it.

Sounds like ESPN is clinging to an old business model the way newspaper publishers clung to their’s circa 2002. And Van Pelt is playing the role of the hack editor who told everyone “people just like the feel of holding the paper in their hands...”