“Dammit Frank, I told you already thatI don’t Jet Moto anymore! Not after what happened five years ago...”
“Dammit Frank, I told you already thatI don’t Jet Moto anymore! Not after what happened five years ago...”
“This American Butt Hosted By Ira Ass”
Been watching Star Trek(s) since the early 70's first round of re-runs... I’ve always thought it weird that these shows basically follow the concept that all space was a flat plane similar to our N S E W approach. I’d like them to show a head to head standoff in orbit where one guy is “upside down” or perpendicluar to…
The Matrix - iOS update That Slows Down Your Phone Until You Install it.
That’s a good idea and I admire you for saying it - ah goddammit
Just do what I do and don't admire anyone.
*kicks seat impatiently* But when do they fight the Foo!?
Another Beelzeboss movie? Righteous. I love that guy.
Shades of “Paul the Samurai” and his band-aids, from the original Tick comics.
Starz is adapting the SNL skit?! Is Walken on board?
I’m sorry, but I cannot ever see Nestor Carbonell and not hear this line from the (first) live action Tick series premiere.
“No, I’m telling you Falco died. Si, “Amadeus, Amadeus.” He is a dead person.”
Wow, it’s pretty rare to find a guy in Los Angeles who wrote 20 scripts that were never filmed!
This isn’t even the first alien invasion TV series titled Invasion.
Username checks out
If Tucker Carlson ever defended me, I would just immediately assume I was in the wrong and apologize to everyone.
The movies about Winona Ryder’s character coming back to life to avenge the brutal murder of herself and her lover. She is aided by the mysterious and mythical creature, The Cow and wears facepaint of the black and white Holstein cow.
I’m waiting for a “Surprise, it’s me, Bob!” hoax reveal myself, but I know it's not going to come.
The best part of the 2nd Conan clip above is when Andy Richter describes Norm’s joke as like having someone take you on a 4-mile hike to show you a dog turd. Norm falls off the couch laughing and shakes Richter’s hand.
It will be pre-empted for a football movie