William T. Goat Esq.

I hope Krampus shows up in the third one

It’s a madhouse!

She’s out of her Vulcan mind

Now playing

The first thing that headline made me think of:

I didn’t know that sweaters could read!

A dancing demon? No, something isn’t right there...

The distant future. The year 2000.

Sokka’s gonna be pissed.

Camp Barneo? I need to complain to my travel agent. I wanted tickets to Borneo!

“only a minute and nine seconds long”

Not only did The AV Club praise that sketch in a review of the episode, the sketch itself got its own Newswire (the video was leaked before the show premiered):

(crosses legs nervously)

The problem isn’t that Trump’s tweets are offensive. The problem is that Trump’s tweets inspire murderers to commit murder.

“Demons to some, angels to others...” x “It’s not TV, it’s HBO...

The apes were inside us all along

I don’t think so, Tim.

There should be a movie called The Last Witch Hunter, in which the title character is a rogue priest who believes that the 21st-century Catholic Church has gone too soft, and needs to start burning heretics alive again. There would be no supernatural elements to the story; just this priest on a murder spree, for

Nice to see Chevelle is still going strong

I was a big fan of the original “Cosmos”, which was subtitled “A Personal Voyage”. It wasn’t so much about dry facts and figures, but about the way Carl Sagan thinks. In a larger sense, it was about the scientific worldview; the detective work that goes into learning about reality.