William T. Goat Esq.

Hello, ladies.


In December of 2001, Fox News reported (or, more accurately, relayed a report from a Pakistan newspaper) that Osama bin Laden was dead.

Too much time on too many hands

“Most people mistrust men with horns.”

I’m struggling to think of a situation in which placing metal obstructions in the path of a fast-moving vehicle increases “safety”.

This is relevant to my interests.


The show feels like the US equivalent of modern Doctor Who. Except, where Doctor Who has advanced alien technology indistinguishable from magic, The Librarians has... magic.

On a more positive note, Merriam-Webster does recognize “d’oh”. Oddly, M-W claims that it dates back to 1945. Which to me seems unpossible.

The most blatant case of false advertising since “The Neverending Story”!

I would have thought it was obvious: The Republican party is the party of Mr. Burns.


But “curbed” how, and by whom? You couldn’t arrest him, because he wasn’t a criminal yet. You couldn’t take away his gun, because the 2nd Amendment. “Wanting to kill people” is not in itself a mental illness, and involuntary commitment to mental health treatment might also be a violation of rights. Nobody in charge

Could someone please explain to me exactly what the FBI should have done about Cruz? He bought his gun legally. Until the shooting, he broke no laws. (Everyone’s a law-abiding citizen until they break the law.) So is there anything the FBI could have done that YOU wouldn’t have protested as “just another example of


Woohoo! I’m safe from this particular danger.

It better be Jaxxon.

In the original show, Ralph was chosen to wear the suit because he was a person with strong moral character, as opposed to “drinking tequila, singing karaoke, and not much else”