William T. Goat Esq.

I recognized him from People of Earth. Momentarily made me think it was a crossover episode.

Where’s Jaxxon?

I was hoping that the Peter Pan skecth would mean the return of Aidy Bryant’s Tonkerbell.

I was pleased that they chose Puddle of Mudd’s “She Hates Me”; I have long considered it the worst song of the new millennium.

Look, it’s the Happy-Go-Pukey ride!

It’s a shame that, ever since the Kinja move, the regular features aren’t put on the front page more often. I would have loved to read that Primer on Hong Kong horror movies.

Swallowing that horn must have hurt.

Yes, but that “small percentage of conservatives” just happens to include most of the people in the White House. Not all conservatives are conspiracy theorists, just the ones that run the country.

I say, fight words with words. Can’t say “science-based”? Say “honest.” Can’t say “transgender”? Say “human.” Can’t say “entitlements”? Say “deserved.”

No, four is even.

Sadako wishes to be able to crawl out of people’s TVs.

Judging by the title: Furries?

By Trump’s own logic, if he can’t tell us who those “great economists” are, they are “unnamed sources” and therefore fake news.

Good thing conservatives never write articles like this about liberals. (sarcasm)

I get the feeling that Seth MacFarlane is trying to mansplain Star Trek ideals to Trumpflakes.

There was a Twilight Zone radio show in the early 2000's. At the time, the website listed several radio stations that carried it, but I was never able to catch it.

It’s true! We’re so lame!


I was expecting something like this:

*ears perk up*