William T. Goat Esq.

(picks some earwax out of ear with pinky)
(scrutinizes earwax)
(puts earwax back in ear)

There's a bar near me whose sign clearly says "DIAMOND'S JIM CAFE".

Boom, still got it

What would you do if I flashed all the lights?
Would you seize up and pass out on me?

"Bloody typical. They've gone back to metric without telling us."

As a math major, that scene really bugged me. He never explained what pi had to do with it! And then he expects Tegan to get it!

Username/comment synergy!

Is the snack bar still open? :-)


I saw the header photo and thought, oh no, Pharrell's about to be eaten by a giant shark!

I don't know if it's getting renewed, but the preview called it a "season finale", not "series finale".

That oddly-shaped front section of the house in the header photo kinda reminds me of the house from Zebra Girl.

I tear my heart open
I sew myself shut
Cuz my HMO
Charges way too much

So, is anybody else excited about the Sleepy Hollow season finale next week? No? Aw…

Every time Bud shows up, I'm afraid he's going to get killed.

To me, the most surprising part of this story was: Alex Jones has reporters.

You think that's a screed, you should read my blog! (Haha, no, nobody should read my blog.)

I hope that's a joke. Because if it's not, you're well on your way down the slippery slope to doing evil in Christ's name.

I'm just so tired of all these space jams.

Based on a series of books.

If only biastioc were here to see this.