William T. Goat Esq.

Yeah, I suppose, if you wanna get technical…

Similarly, I think people who believe in Jesus only do so because they like slandering unbelievers.

Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you!

Somebody decided that "Sugar" sounded too obviously unhealthy, so they changed it to "Honey". Then everyone figured out that honey is just sugar, so they changed it to "Golden."

What if you're neither a human nor a tech-savvy animal? Say, a half-human half-goat, for example? I'm… asking for a friend.

Look, it's very simple! If you want to comment about Chance the Rapper, you should have clicked on the Ed Sheeran article! Please, let's… just think, before we… (sigh)

The list omits "Masters of Illusion" (PAX to MyNetwork to CW) and "Minor Adjustments" (NBC to UPN).

We are the Dregs!

And "Robotman", which became "Robotman and Monty", and is now just "Monty".

That "3" hat always makes me think he's a Dipper clone.

It would be as lame as making a show about a school in the Doctor Who universe, and calling it "Class"!

For all we know, there could be cubes the size of gorillas in there!


They both tell bad jokes.

It's an attempt to literally depict the Old Testament's descriptions of the physical universe. It's way past my bedtime now, so I won't look it up, but off the top of my head: The first thing God creates in Genesis is the "firmament", a solid dome in the sky which separates "the waters above" (rain) from "the waters

We need Janet from "The Good Place" to provide commentary.

The sauceword?

"When people visit Pandora, the first thing that hits them, is the smell."

Did you ever get two similar-sounding songs confused in your head? Or play a song in your head, but you don't quite know the whole song, so partway through it turns into something else? That's one thing I like about Cicierega's mashups. It's like getting a glimpse into someone else's subconscious mind.