William T. Goat Esq.

They're a mixed-race… er, mixed-species… marriage, which many Wesen do not approve of. So in that sense, they're not normal.

I think I'm reaching the breaking point with Tracy Bonham. "Mother, Mother" from The Burdens of Being Upright is the "one hit" she's known for, but in Boston she had a few more radio hits than that. For years, I only had that album, her prior EP, and her next album, Down Here. Recently, I decided to catch up with

the closing credits to the movie F/X !

Amina, dokido aminela

Who's playing Jaxxon?

"if you ain't got the heart to fight for Yahweh like dylann roof did, you need to shut the f—- up."

I watched the video for St. Vincent's "Digital Witness" a lot when it first came out. Then it started showing up—the whole video— as an ad before other videos.

"Which ad experience would you prefer?" NONE should be an option.

Lakshmi Singh cameo!

And nobody knows what it's really like
But everyone says it's great

I don't know, I'm quite fond of my perineum

It was my understanding that many people in Red States voted for Trump because they wanted him to bring back their jobs. So, if they don't have jobs…

Have you heard of the Hyde Amendment? A Republican-sponsored bill, passed into law in 1976, prohibiting the use of federal funds for abortions. It's been in place for 40 years. A victory for the anti-abortionists. Republicans should be bragging about it, instead of re-fighting battles they've already won.

Have you heard of the Hyde Amendment? A Republican-sponsored bill, passed into law in 1976, prohibiting the use of federal funds for abortions. It's been in place for 40 years. A victory for the anti-abortionists. Republicans should be bragging about it, instead of re-fighting battles they've already won.

(*not intended to be a factual statement)

Anybody remember Web Rings?

If she's like most ungulates, the nipples are down near the pelvis.

[Lando]Hello, what have we here?[/Lando]

I like how everybody who hates Clinton keeps referring to random people on the internet as "the liberal establishment".

No wonder he died penniless. He rhymed "dream" with "dream"!