William T. Goat Esq.

Sit on it, Pozzi

Dear Hollywood:
Now that you've seen how successful a Ted Chiang adaptation can be, please get started on Hell Is The Absence Of God.

Or Gotham Bold. It's an attractive font, but I'm getting sick of seeing it everywhere.

Damn it feels good to be a 'mancer

Stick an apostrophe in there, and there's a whole other meaning.

But can we take what a few specific individuals believe, and treat that as representative of the faith?

I just had a crazy thought: if the only disincentive for the electorate to flip their votes is a monetary fine, why not include an offer in the petition for the petitioners themselves to pay the fine? 3 million people, each contributing one dollar? Obviously it's too late now, but…

How do we know that petition isn't just a ploy by Trump to gather the personal info of his political enemies? ETA: No disrespect to you, Dik, but I'm too fucking paranoid right now.

One of the games in the "Contra" series has an instruction manual that my brothers and I found hilarious. The instructions were written in the voice of a drill sergeant, speaking with all kinds of down-home southern-fried turns of phrase. A machine gun that shot heat-seeking bullets was described as following the

No, beliefs are not choices. When something seems true, you believe it. When it doesn't, you don't. There's no choice involved.

Ah, but I have taken theology classes. I was raised Catholic, attended several years of Catholic grade school and CCD, and was Confirmed. I know that you're trying to present me with the children's version of Christianity, the friendly, cleaned-up version that lures kids into the religion. But once we're in, we learn


This is Moviefone!

I saw Doctor Strange on Saturday night. It was supposed to be a meetup with some new friends, but they cancelled, and I didn't find out until I got to the theater. I decided, what the heck, I'm here at the theater, I might as well see the movie. My first modern theatrical 3-D movie! And I bought too much popcorn.


Heh. I always like to say, "Sheep have horns and hooves too."

Sorry, based on the way Christians treated me when I was a kid, I've learned never to trust a Christian's advice. If you believe in a judgment after death, then you believe that people are disposable. This belief impairs your ability to love your neighbor. Thus, ironically, the Christian belief system makes you less

Ah, but then Angela speculates that Marcus would have considered Regan's soul a lost cause. Regan looked like a goner too, but in the end, she wasn't. The implication seems to be that the whole "soul is devoured" thing is just an excuse an exorcist makes when he fails.

How can an all-powerful God have limited options? Is there something more powerful than God, limiting His options?

Would it be safe to say, then, that the more "nurturing" exorcism technique of the nuns from a few episodes back would be considered heretical?